All the websites from my handouts in one handy toolbar!

I just got through giving three different one-hour lectures having to do with genealogical research on the internet, with dozens of website address in the handouts. I forgot to mention, however, that I also have created a toolbar that contains EVERY website I mention in any of my presentations, plus more, and its all free – free for me to make, free for anyone to download and use. Just a good deal all around.

You can download it by clicking on the “My Toolbar” artwork at the top of this blog, or at .
If you don’t like it you can either turn it off (right click on your toolbar at the top, and uncheck the option for it), or even uninstall it completely. (But I hope you like it!)

5 Responses

  1. TGblogger says:

    Wow, Tami! Three lectures and an innovative gadget all your own! Sounds great!

  2. I do like your toolbar, now how do I add my favorite blogs to your toolbar?

  3. tami glatz says:

    i'm working on toolbar personalization – but for now if you'd like, you can email me genealogy blog suggestions to include in the RSS reader until I can figure out allowing individual settings for that – relatively

  4. marry says:

    oho good dear !!!! very interesting blog and a good posting !!! you must maintain your blog, its interesting !!! Nice Buddy

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