If only Second Life came with an extra 24 hours/day

I just finished my first genealogy chat in Second Life – and boy was it fun! Second Life is a free “multiple player online role-playing” site, where you create your person and navigate around in a virtual world. Not that I have any extra time for any more online gaming, mind you, but this is educational! heehee. No, really. There was quite a crowd at the genealogy discussion tonight hosted by DearMyrtle, aka Clarise Beaumont. After that I moseyed on over to the LiveRoots gazebo for yet more genealogy discussions.

If this sounds like fun, er, I mean an educational opportunity that you might be interested in, check out the SecondLife group on GenealogyWise for times, days, etc. I’m Genie Weezles, btw, so say “hi” if you see me!

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