APG approves first Virtual chapter!

The Association of Professional Genealogists has approved the first virtual chapter, the SL chapter APG which will meet in SecondLife. As president of the new Second Life Chapter of APG, I’m so excited about the opportunities that this group provides — allowing access to professional ideas, presentations, and comraderie to anyone with internet access, anywhere in the world. Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month, at 5:30 Pacific Time, and are held in the virtual world Second Life, at the Just Genealogy Fire Pit. Contact me directly if you have any questions about the group! The following is the official press release from the Association of Professional Genealogists. :

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG®) announced today that its board has approved two new chapters for the organization. The Northland Chapter will serve members from Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. The board also approved the organization’s first virtual chapter, to be held in Second Life. Both chapters have commenced operations as of today.

“We welcome these new chapters and the support they will provide to our members,” said APG President Laura Prescott. “These chapters will benefit underserved geographies, both real and virtual. The board and executive committee discussed at length the implications of chartering a virtual chapter and felt that it would be an exciting and effective alternative for members who don’t have a local chapter or who cannot attend meetings in real life.”

Northland Chapter to Cover Much Ground
The Northland Chapter serves a broad region of northern states that are not currently served by an APG chapter. Chapter organizers, Sandy Mochal Thalmann, sandy@authenticorigins.com, and Jay Fonkert, CG, jfonkert@aol.com, have centered the operation in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.

Virtual Chapter in Second Life Provides a New Outlet for Professional Collaboration
The Second Life APG Chapter meets in Second Life and is open to all members anywhere in the world with Internet access, who may use their Second Life avatar personas. The chapter plans to meet monthly to preview and critique presentations in progress, discuss research resources, and share ideas about professional business practices and standards. Tami Glatz, or Genie Weezles in Second Life, is the contact, tglatz (at) gmail.com.

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