
Howdy, and thanks for stopping by! My name is Tami Osmer (Glatz) Mize, and I’ve been researching ancestors for the past 20 years. Curiously, obsessively, passionately. I’ve lectured around the country on best practices as well as handy tips and tricks for Internet genealogy research. I love sharing information and helping people find their families.

I lecture and participate in the genealogy community in the virtual world SecondLife. I was instrumental in chartering the first virtual chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the SL chapter APG, which meets bi-monthly in SecondLife, and am currently the charter president of the SecondLife Virtual Genealogical Society, an FGS member society, which meets on alternate months.

I developed the RelativelyCurious Internet Genealogy Toolbar, which for years was a wonderful free browser add on that easily linked users to all of the best genealogy sites, both free and paid. However the company that I set it up with sold out to a far less reputable group who went and packed as much adware and spyware into the free download as they can manage, so although it broke my heart, I shut down the toolbar.

I am, however, actively seeking alternative ways of sharing a kazillion useful and amazing genealogy websites, so you may look forward to that 🙂

For now, I spend most of my free time sharing genealogy events on ConferenceKeeper.org, a completely free resource for the genealogy community where you may find meetings, conferences, seminars, contests, calls for papers, cruises — just about any kind of genealogy event you can think of, all sorted conveniently by location and date.

Let’s see what else… I spent four years as the Community Assistant for WikiTree.com, and am currently enthusiastically and joyfully evangelizing for a wonderful, completely free, iPhone photo scanning/editing/organizing/sharing app called JoyFLIPS. I have been an Ambassador for RootsTech for many years, and spoke several times, including at the very first event (where I was also proudly on the committee to develop the schedule for that first amazing event). I do a whole lot of social media promotion and you can find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as @rcurious, @confkeep, @joyflips, @ourthankfulday (quilting), and a few more than I can’t think of at the moment 🙂

I was the driving force behind, and charter president of, the first virtual chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, meeting in the virtual world Second Life. I was also one of the cofounders of the Second Life Virtual Genealogical Society, also another first, this time being the first virtual chapter of the Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS).

My background as a typesetter and designer also has influence my genealogy work, and I also create ads, social media promotions, and journals (i.e., Stirpes – the Texas State Genealogical Society’s journal – see www.TamiMize.com for a few examples), and freelance proofreading as well for a couple of societies’ publications (as well as some other non-genealogical clients). And I build and maintain websites (for myself and also for others (i.e., VirtualGenealogy.org, genealogycruises.com to name two).

And in my free time (?!), I sew and quilt, and freelance also as an artwork digMeitizer for machine embroidery designs.

That’s me.



3 Responses

  1. Sue harcourt says:

    What happened to Twile?

  2. Cindy Osmer Banks says:


    Are you Donny’s daughter? If so I am your cousin Cindy Osmer. We lost touch when I left Ancestry and my husband and I moved to Nevada. Would love to get in touch.

    • Hi Cindy, Sorry for the delay in reply. No, I’m not Donny’s daughter — my dad is Malcolm. I’ve discovered there are more than a couple of Tami Osmers in the world 🙂 My line descends from Hosmer, and my US ancestors are primarily in Northeast Ohio and New England.

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