African-American research

Today I addMississippi Delta Negro Children - Free Pictures at Historical Stock Photos.comed 49 websites to my Pinterest board for African-American genealogy research.  As far as I could tell, they are all free sites, without subscription necessary to use. While the new sites are listed and linked below, I encourage you to check out the Pinterest board. I really like using Pinterest for genealogy, because of the visual effect of the pictures used as a display rather than mere words.

You can find the Relatively Curious pinterest boards here:

Here are the sites added today:

African American Cemeteries Online
African American Gateway – Allen Co Library
African American Life in St Louis 1804-1865
African American Migration Experience
African American records on FamilySearch
African American resources at NARA
African Roots Podcasts
African-Native American Genealogy
Afro-Louisiana History & Genealogy 1719-1820
Civl War Slave Compensation Claims
Directory of African American Genealogy Records on the Internet (Joe Beine)
FindFamilyRoots – An African American History & Genealogy website
Freedmen’s Bank Records 1865-1874
Freedmen’s Cemetery Records, Alexandria VA
Genealogy Book Links
Illinois Servitude and Emancipation Records 1722-1863
Lowcountry Africana
Missouri Slave Data
New Orleans Index to Slave Emancipation Petitions 1814-1843
North Carolina Runaway Slave advertisements
PBS African American Lives
Philadelphia African American Census 1847
Slave & Free People of Color Baptismal Records of New Orleans
Slave Narratives from Federal Writers’ Project 1936-38
Slavery era Insurance Policies Registry
Slaves and the Courts 1740-1860
Texas Slavery Project
The Freedmen’s Bureau Online
The Geography of Slavery in Virginia
TransAtlantic Slave Trade Database
UNC Digital Library on American Slavery
Unknown no Longer – Database of VA Slave Names
Virginia Cohabitation Registers of Colored Persons




1 Response

  1. July 17

    […] African American Research by relatively curious on Relatively […]

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