Finding Family History Books Online

Yesterday I added about 30 pins to the Pinterest ~ Relatively Curious board for Family History Books & Publications online. The list includes the usual suspects (Google Books, InteBooksPintrnet Archive, FamilySearch), but also a few state specific book lists, some sites for those awesome treasure-troves of sensationalized biographical data – the County histories, and even of online book sites specific to countries outside of the US!

Most all of the sites offer full text searching and viewing. One or two are used book sellers who specialize in finding out-of-print and hard-to-find books, such as personal family genealogies.

Here’s the list, for those of you who prefer lists:


Australian Digital Books Online
Books We Own
British Library Research Help
Canada Local Histories Online
China-US Million Book Digital Library
FamilySearch Family History Books
Genealogy Book Links
Georgia Digital books
Google Books
Hathi Trust Digital Library
Illinois Harvest
Internet Archive
Iowa County Historic Atlases
Another – Iowa County Historic Atlases
Kansas Book Transcriptions Online
Massachusetts History Books Online
Michigan County Histories and Atlases
OCLC World cat
Ohio History Books Online
Open Library
Project Gutenberg
Rare Book Room
Rochester NY Rare Books & Special Collections
Search for Online Books
UC Press E-Book Collection
Wisconsin Local and County Histories
World Digital Library


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