A new resource for everything DNA

Have you heard about the new website, NationalDNADay.com yet? It is a new, free resource to the genealogy community celebrating all things DNA, as they relate to genealogy research. The website was created to celebrate National DNA Day (kind of obviously) which is April 25. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute:

“National DNA Day is a unique day when students, teachers and the public can learn more about genetics and genomics! The day commemorates the completion of the Human Genome Project in April 2003, and the discovery of DNA’s double helix in 1953.”

The NationalDNADay.com website is neither owned nor sponsored by any of the major DNA testing companies, but rather, it has been created by Thomas MacEntee, known for his generous contributions to the genealogy community, bringing people together as Geneabloggers,  and sharing news of genealogy bargains, sales, free access and much more. This new website is focused entirely on genetic genealogy research, providing many resources to help you learn how to, as well as where to go to pursue your own genetic family history.

At NationalDNADay.com, you can find simple explanations for some of the complex questions that DNA research tends to raise — even the most basic question of Which DNA Test Should You Use?  The site also tracks sales and discounts on DNA test kits and contests. If you’re looking to take a deep dive into learning all about genetic genealogy, you may use the Free DNA Resources tab to find links to some of the very best genealogy blogs dealing with DNA testing, genealogy and family history; free E-books; DNA webinars and other online resources.

NationalDNADay.com is a celebration of all things DNA for the genealogist — a celebration of genetic genealogy not just for April 25th, but for every day.  Spend a few minutes at the site to see what all it offers.



Disclaimer: As always, I only share information that I think will be helpful to genealogists and family history seekers. I receive no compensation for this post other than the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that I’ve shared something helpful. 

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