Share This application!

Are you familiar with the application “Share This”? I absolutely love it! I have installed the plug-in for Firefox, and now there is a little button on my Navigation bar for Share It. When I am at a website that I want to bookmark, I just click my Share It button, and tell it where to save it. There are lots of choices, including Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Google Bookmarks, Yahoo Bookmarks, Delicious, StumbleUpon and a whole bunch of others. OR I can e-mail it simply by putting in someone’s e-mail address (even my own). What a handy tool!
For the Firefox plug-in, from your browser go to Tools > Add-ons > Get Add-ons > Browse All Add-ons, then where it says “Search for Add-Ons”, type in ShareThis (no space) and enter. Then just click on the simple installation instructions and voila! You have a button on your browser!

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