February 1st is #GenealogySelfie day!


A few years back, the good folks at ConferenceKeeper (yes, that’s me, too) and Geneabloggers thought it would be a great idea to hold an annual Genealogy Selfie day.  Why, you might ask?

Genealogists are a friendly and rather social bunch.  We share knowledge, information, documents, research triumphs and struggles, joys, sorrows – even pictures of cats. So why not selfies? Chances are good that if you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you have a hefty number of “genealogy” friends – many that you probably have never met in person, but regularly Like, Share, and Comment on one another’s posts.  Peruse your list of “genealogy’ friends and you’ll most likely find that many use a photo of an ancestor, or a baby picture, as their profile pic.  It adds quite the variety to your friends list, but you wouldn’t know them if you ran into them in the vendor hall at a conference, or sat next to them at a workshop. And with RootsTech just around the corner, you have the opportunity to possibly run into thousands of them in person!

And so #GenealogySelfie day was born — a day for social genealogists to snap a picture of themselves and share it on social media with the hashtag #GenealogySelfie.  It will be fun to put faces to names, and increase our chances of recognizing one another at the next event.   I hope y’all will participate!

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